Cori Professional Organizer Minneapolis
For consultation & scheduling call today

Spring Cleaning: Laundry Room Organizing


Spring Cleaning: let’s dig into your laundry room and make it a room you want to be in! Professional organizing and cleaning in one of the most used spaces in your home.

In January, we love KITCHENS!

Kitchen Organization

Let’s get your kitchen organized! Often times, kitchens end up getting bombarded with clutter. Our goal is to help you declutter and implement systems that will work for you and your family. Let us know if you have tried any of these tips…

The Hauling It Away Touch

Eco-Friendly Partnership with Hauling It Away

How can we be more GREEN in 2024? Learn about our unique partnership with Hauling It Away, a local hauler we love!

For consultation & scheduling call today


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<3 Let’s Do This!