Cori Professional Organizer Minneapolis
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Kids Wardrobe Organization 

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By Sandra Johnson, Professional Organizer and Mom

Every year of school brings on new challenges.  Your child has grown, matured, and ultimately has new and different routines.  Not all organization systems are going to continue to work.  That’s why it’s important to check in and take note of what is working and what could use a little tune up.  I believe that showing kids good organization is key to them understanding how to keep things neat. Additionally, it instills responsibility to take care of their own space. There is a fine balance between organizing it for them, and keeping them accountable for doing it themselves.  

Let’s talk about how to set them up for success. Initially, we recommend that you create an organized environment, showing them high standards. From there, it is up to the kids to change, keep, or even disregard the organization systems you put in place. Notice what works and what doesn’t so the next time you help organize, you can make these custom adjustments.  

First things First

Pull everything out, and make sure all laundry is done. While pulling everything out, you’ll want to categorize your items. Making sure all shorts are together, all T-shirts together, and so on. We want to empty the space so we can see all its future potential.

Get Creative…. What would make the space more functionable? 



-More Hanging 

-More Shelves 



Measure and shop around online. I know waiting for something to ship is not fun when you want to finish a job. Setting them up for success does require some patience, but it will help them in the long run.  

Tip:  If your routine is having outfits already picked out, have bins or drawers labeled with the days of the week.

The Declutter Process

First ask yourself….  Does my child help shop for their own clothes?

Yes, then they need to be part of the decision process. (My 13 year old girl)

No,  then you can safely make decisions for them.  (My 8 year old boy)  

For every item you will decide whether to KEEP, DONATE, or TOSS. If selling items is something you can, and will do, then you can make a spot for selling as well.

Questions to ask, when deciding..

Supplies needed for the declutter process are:

-Garbage bag

-Bag/Box for Donations

Time for the Kids to Help

For any system to be successful it’s important for the person who uses it to understand it. That way they become responsible for upkeep. When putting things back, always start with most used items. Making sure they are (kids) eye level or lower. Things that are used less, place up higher. Label as much as possible. This will also keep them accountable for knowing where things go.  If they don’t read yet, you can always add a picture with the words.  

Need some guidance?

As professional organizers we can tell you that kids do not need a huge wardrobe.  They grow fast and their styles change all the time.  If you need help or just guidance we are here for you.  We know how to get down to the basics and simplify life.  

From one mom to another… You’re doing GREAT!


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