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You’re Moving! Where Should You Start?

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You’ve finally found your next home and the excitement is high.  As you begin to plan what your new space will look like, the dark cloud of “packing” suddenly enters your mind.  Overwhelm can easily set in as you ponder:

Where do I even start?

Should I purge now or when I get to my new space? 

What room should I leave for last? 

Where does one get boxes? 

Luckily – we have lots of experience in this realm and have TONS of answers and resources for you! We’re here to help you understand your options and give you a solid start. 

Your first option – hire a professional organizer that has an extensive history in packing/moving (hint hint we do 😉).

Your second option – keep reading! We have helpful tips to get you started to set up your organizational strategy for moving. 

1. Use a Good Moving Checklist

To help make things smoother, we’ve created this moving to-do list that details not only what needs to be done, but the right time to do different tasks to minimize stress! The checklist starts 2 months before your move, so be sure to print this off now and continue to reference it throughout your moving process. 

2. Make an “Essentials” Bin

This is going to be your SAVIOR on that first night in your new space. This bin should be filled with your everyday essentials – a change of clothes, toothbrush, toilet paper, a few snacks, any must-have toys/stuffed animals for the kids, medications, paperwork, etc. This is going to be a bin that stays with you. If something goes wrong with the moving truck or if catastrophe strikes, you’ll at least have some essentials with you to get you through the night. 

3. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare! Packing Boxes Edition.

If you’re reading this pre-move ideas list, you’re already ahead of the game with this step! Preparation is key during a move. The more you prepare, the easier and more stress-free the actual moving day is going to be. There are many ways you can prepare for a move – but we’re going to focus on prepping your rooms for packing. Here are a few tips when you’re looking to start thinking about packing those boxes: 

a. Use The Right Size Boxes

Boxes come in all shapes and sizes. Most people will need every single shape/size… that is, if you’re doing it effectively. 

Small boxes: Use these for heavy items. Textbooks, cookbooks, picture albums, heavy glassware, or collectibles. 

Medium Boxes: You will use these for most of the packing in your house. So make sure to stock up on these when you are purchasing your materials. 

Large Boxes: You should use large boxes for light items – like linens and pillows. 

Wardrobe Boxes: If you have closet space, these will be a lifesaver! No need to take all of your clothes off of the hanger – simply transfer them over into a wardrobe box. It will take so much time off of your pack and unpack since they will be in the order that you want them and can be easily transferred to your new closet.  

b. Don’t Leave Empty Spaces in Boxes

Fill in gaps with clothing, towels, or packing paper. You want to be as efficient with your space as possible. If you’re hiring movers, often, they won’t move boxes that feel loosely packed or unbalanced. 

c. LABEL, LABEL, LABEL (Meat & Potatoes utilizes an organized label for all boxes when assisting during a move!)

When you are packing, avoid mixing items from different rooms in the same box. It will make your packing quicker and your unpacking a lot easier too. When you are packing your boxes – not only do you need to think about the room the items are in now, but more importantly, where are they going to go in your new space? That is the location that you put on the label on the outside of the box, so when you are unloading the moving truck (or your movers are doing it for you) it is very clear where the box should go. If the box is in the right spot when you begin to unpack, it will make things much faster and easier to understand what all needs to be unpacked/organized in that space. 

4. Get a Dumpster & Don’t be Afraid to Purge 

Make it a bit easier on yourself and cut back on as much clutter as possible. Before you begin packing, do a purge of unused or unnecessary items! You’ll have less to pack, less to move, and less to unpack! You’ll be setting yourself up to start your life in your new space with a clean slate. We recommend you create 3 piles (plus the box you’re packing!). 

Donate: These are items that are in good condition that you would like to donate to an organization that will utilize the items. 

Trash: These are items that are not in a condition to be donated. 

Sell: This pile is used for higher value items that you may not use anymore but you don’t want to donate or throw them away. CAUTION – this pile should be reserved for items that you believe you will be able to list and sell prior to moving. You do not want to be taking these items with you to your new space. If it’s not sold by the time you are moving, we recommend moving it to the donate pile. 

5. Hire Organizers 

Organizing your space as you unpack is essential to starting off your time in your new space easiest! Before everything is put away, it is a great time to be extremely intentional about how you want to use the space and think through the system you’d like in place to set yourself up for success. Organizers can provide you with recommendations on product, systems, and design to help maximize the efficiency of your space while meeting your needs. 

However, organizers don’t just help after the packing & moving has been done. Organizers can help you both PRE and POST move. Meat and Potatoes Organizing can help you to go through your items, declutter, and pack in an organized fashion making the unpack stress-free. You don’t want to handle the unpack either? We can help you with the entire process from start to finish! Or just one aspect that you may struggle with more. 

We hope these 5 Pre-Move tips will help you get out of the overwhelm stage and spring you into action! Remember that preparation is key and taking things one step at a time is perfectly okay. With patience and a solid plan, you can successfully manage a stress-free move. 

If you’d rather speak with us about how we can help you get packed, moved, and re-organized in your new space, please reach out using our web contact form to schedule your complimentary consultation.

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