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Spring Cleaning: Laundry Room Organizing

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Ninety-one percent of all Americans do some kind of spring cleaning…but laundry rooms are often overlooked. NOT THIS SPRING! This month, we take a closer look at your laundry room, by attacking cleaning and laundry room organizing to make sure this room gets the love that it needs.

Laundry rooms are difficult to keep 100% clean and tidy since there are constantly dirty clothes coming in and out of that room. Sometimes, laundry feels like one of those never-ending tasks – so even more reason to make sure you are loving your laundry room and all of the time spent in that room 😊 

Our goal with this month’s blog post is to help turn YOU into a professional organizer in your own laundry room! If after reading, you would like a Meat and Potatoes Organizing professional’s help – simply schedule your complimentary consultation. We LOVE helping turn people’s dreams into reality.

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty here:

When approaching cleaning, we always recommend working from the top down – that way, as you clean, you are not dirtying places you have already gone over. We have linked some of our favorite products for each one of these steps below.

Step 1: Dust all the flat surfaces in your laundry room – yes, all of them 😉 

Step 2: Wipe down your walls

Step 3: Wipe down countertops and cabinets to eliminate dust and dirt. 

Step 4: Run the “clean” cycle in your washing machine and then wipe out the inside rungs – it is AMAZING how dirty those get even though there is cleaning solution in that machine most of the time.

Step 5: Clean out the lint tray in your dryer & the storage area. 

Step 6: Move your washer & dryer & clean the floors! So much dust & lint can get stuck in those areas, so it is important to make sure you are regularly cleaning it out. THIS is a great option if you cannot move your appliances but you still want to get underneath them. 😊

Step 7: Clean the remaining floors. 

Step 8: Empty and clean wastebaskets and replace the trash bag. 

Once you’ve had the opportunity to fully clean your laundry room, head over to the “Oh My Laundry!” blog to give you some fun, new ideas that can help you create a laundry room space that doesn’t overwhelm you.


In the mood to get this done, but don’t want to tackle it yourself? Reach out to schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our professional organizers today! Meat and Potatoes Organizing can help you with your laundry room organization, and any other areas of your home that might need some professional organizing. We would love to help spark joy in your everyday life by transforming your home into functional, beautiful spaces, one area at a time. 

See you next month!


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