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School’s Out For Summer!

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By Jackie Leffner

Kids Organizing – is this real life?! For some families, school is already out for the summer. For others, the time is coming up here shortly where our kids return home 100% of the time. If you have been following the Meat and Potatoes Organizing blog for a while now, you are hopefully following our steps and have implemented a few new organizing solutions for your home. Our goal for this summer is to help you get those kids more involved in the organizing process with some kids organization tips and tricks!!

In the month of June, we are going to bring you a blog series that highlights different “kid-areas” of your home and will help you to involve your kids in the organization itself, so they learn to love their functional, beautiful spaces – just like YOU!

This week we are going to focus on general tips and tricks to get your kids involved in your organization! Then, each week after that, we are going to dive into specific focus areas!

1.) Kid’s bedrooms

2.) Toy Rooms


Yes, you read that right! Garages are SO important to keep clean in the summer with squirt guns, chalk, hula-hoops, or slip & slides! So, make sure you are tuning back in to our blog to help you have organized spaces by the end of the month. 

THIS WEEK: Getting kids involved in the organizing process.

Let’s dive in! We have 5 tips for you this week to help make sure your kids can participate in the organizing projects. Getting organized can help make life easier for kids. They THRIVE on systems & schedules 😊 It might take some effort in the beginning, but it will be worth it in the long run. How can we prioritize including kids to ensure they keep our systems working? 

  1. Break the Tasks into Chunks

Help kids break household chores into smaller, more manageable steps. This will show them that some larger chores have a beginning, middle, and end which can make them feel less overwhelming. For example, if your child’s chore is to bring their dirty laundry downstairs, explain: First, check all your areas (bathroom, gaming room, etc.) for dirty clothes. Then put them all in their basket. Finally, they can bring their laundry basket downstairs. 

  1. Make Checklists

Once kids know all the steps involved with a particular task, help them add it to an overall to-do list. Encourage your kids to keep the list in a place where they will see it often and can check off accomplishments as they go. Some kids may create their own list using a smartphone. Others may write it on a dry-erase board in their room or want a physical list they can carry around throughout the day. Involve them in writing the list out so they can ask questions about each task or chore along the way.

  1. Establish Daily Routines

Have we mentioned that kids thrive on routine? Creating a regular schedule can help kids learn what to expect throughout the day. Use picture schedules, clocks, and other time management strategies to help them be successful.

  1. Use Color-Coding

When helping to organize their own spaces, or spaces they interact with – consider using the color-coding technique! It is proven that different colored bins will help your kids think less about sticking to the plan resulting in more organization! 

  1. Help Kids Think Ahead

A lot of the summer is FUN, FUN, FUN! It can be helpful to make sure kids know and understand their schedule for the month, week, and day. Do they need every detail we have? No! But, it can be very helpful to give them a general idea of important things coming up and what they may need to do to support the family during those activities. If you are implementing daily chores or know there is something scheduled for the next day before bedtime sit down together and review the plans for the next day. This can help make kids feel more secure and more in control of what they need to accomplish the next day. You are setting them up for success, resulting in you being set up for success! Together, you can plan how to manage things if a change comes up in the schedule. 


Now you have a few ways to start off your summer successfully with your kids. Following these tips, you could give your kids a heads up that you’re going to want to focus on their bedrooms, toy rooms, and the garage later this month and you’ll need their help 😉 Check back next week for ideas on how to tackle the kids’ bedrooms and keep them involved in the process.

Not sure you can tackle this alone? Reach out to schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our professional organizers today! Meat and Potatoes Organizing can help you plan with your family (including the kids). We would love to help spark joy in your everyday life by transforming your home into functional, beautiful spaces, one area at a time. 

For consultation & scheduling call today


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